Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hello everyone! I am new to this blogging thing. I've been wanting to write something for a long time now and I guess this was a sensible choice. Writing is one of my create outlets, just as painting and reading. I haven't painted for a very long time and I miss it. It's hard for me to find inspiration for painting, and usually when I do start I don't know how to finish. I've also been very busy the past few months because I have been planning my wedding! Yes I am getting married to the man of my dreams on October 7. It seems just like yesterday he proposed and now were only eight days away. I never dreamed of getting married when I was a little girl. I never wanted to get married and have children because of the way my parents treated each other and my sisters and me. Then I met Chris and things changed. I guess that's how it usually goes. You'll find in my writing I tend to ramble and get off topic, that is if I ever had a topic to begin with. So with that I will close and hopefully my blogs from here on out will have a topic! -Hailey

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